BREAKING NEWS: 4 Kentucky Basketball players announces departure immediately Mark Pope set resignation date, leaving fans in tears..
BREAKING NEWS: 4 Kentucky Basketball players announces departure immediately Mark Pope set resignation date, leaving fans in tears..

BREAKING NEWS: 4 Kentucky Basketball players announces departure immediately Mark Pope set resignation date, leaving fans in tears..
Start with the hair. What little there is.
“He can grow a full head of hair,” insists Mark Pope’s wife, Lee Anne. “And there would be no gray in it.”
Yet the men’s basketball coach of the Kentucky Wildcats has shaved his blonde hair down to a short stubble for most of his adult life—your basic jarhead Marine recruit look—because it’s simply easier. His cut is so low maintenance that when his four daughters were little, they sometimes did the honors of giving dad’s dome a shave. If they messed it up, who would even notice?
At age 52, Pope isn’t much of a coiffeur. Among the many stylistic shifts accompanying the new coach at Kentucky, this is one of the most telling. Not the hair itself, but what the hair represents.
“I don’t think there’s anyone who spends less time thinking about himself than Mark,” Lee Anne continues. “He’s the most secure human being I’ve ever been around.”