FA make points deduction decision impacting Leeds, London, Newcastle, Manchester & Liverpool clubs

FA make points deduction decision impacting Leeds, London, Newcastle, Manchester & Liverpool clubs – Q&A info
Key questions answered on the new grassroots point deduction rules.
Player behaviour has been reported as a serious issue and measures have been put in place in response to consistent feedback regarding the matter. The aim is to make a clear statement to clubs that this kind of behaviour is not welcome in the game and will not be tolerated moving forwards.
Does it include offences from 2022/23?
No, this process will commence for offences taking place on, or after the 1st of July 2023.
Why isn’t this being applied in the professional game?
We understand why this question would be asked, however there is a very specific issue in the grassroots game, insofar as accumulative offences including aggravated misconduct and assault / physical contact offences. To address this issue, teams will be deducted points where they fail to act on previous serious misconduct.
What is the process of communicating the points deduction order to the league and following that, what would happen if the league did not comply with the order to deduct the points?
Once the disciplinary decision arrives, which will be encompassed into a set of written reasons, the County FA should wait until the appeal deadline has surpassed. Once surpassed, they should inform the league and provide them with the findings, who will then deduct the points from the league standing. If all fixtures have concluded, the points will be deducted from the following season and the team will commence on minus points.
Points deductions do not apply to cup fixtures, how can County FA’s or leagues act in these games?
County FAs will continue to bring proceedings against the individuals as per the disciplinary regulations. For consistent application, it does not include cup fixtures.
Can two charges in the same game be used and counted as cumulative misconduct or does it need to be in separate games?
No, two offences within the same fixture, will be counted as one offence for the purposes of accumulation.
What happens if a player has a proven charge and then moves Club & has a 2nd proven case?
Then the individual will be sanctioned, with the second offence being an aggravated factor. The team(s) involved however, will not be punished.